Thursday 28 May 2015


On Sunday I went to my church.  I went there with my family. I went there to praise God.  I went in a car.  In the church I played with my church friends, until it was 1:20 pm because my church starts at 1:30 pm.  The reason we stopped at 1:20 is church has a singing team and in the singing team there is my cousin, Daniel ( not me, another Daniel which is called Daniel 1 because he is older than me),  Joseph, Yea eun, Harri, Amy, Sogho and me. The singing team needs to have some practise before church starts.  At the start of church we have my dad ( the minister) says some words.  Then a group of singers sing some songs and the other people sings along.
At the end of the church my dad says some words again. Next my sisters and I use some instruments to end church. After we all go upstairs to have some food. After we finished eating the kids play outside until all the adults come outside to get their kids and go home.  I have lots of fun and I also have this feeling that I will always have lots of fun when ever I go to church.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Making Conections

My Reflection
I found making the text to text connection hard because I needed to think of another text.
T found text to self connection easy because all I needed to do was think about my past.
Next I would like to learn more about connections.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Term 2 Week 3

Two days ago, Elm Park School got the green gold certificate.
The school started at 8:55 but on Monday was special so we had to come to school at 8:45... if we didn't come at 8:45 we would be in the library until the en of the assembly.
We took care of the enviroment altogether so the whole school got the certificate.
The prize was so cool!!
I was so glad that I was in Elm Park School.
If I wasn't in this school I wouldn't get the special certificate!